Saturday, August 21, 2010

Photography & Painting

This comes in two parts, Photography and Painting.... With a third little snippit of rambles at the end. Remember, you love me anyways, quirky is more fun then dull and boring.

So, my Digital Camera, Colin, is on his last leg. He no longer turns off fully, so I must pop his batteries after the lense goes back in. He also likes to half turn off after every few photos. This leads to missed shots and corrupted files. Needless to say, I'm saving up for a camera (who wants to get me a Nikon D3000? Pretty Please with Cherries). Until then, I will still use Colin when I'm at home, and mum's camera. I've a horse show to shoot the 11th, so I'm getting to know hers better. (I've named it Harriet, since she never names anything of imporance like she should.)
Not only am I using Harriet, but I'm taking this as an opportunity to really dive into the world of film. So, I'm on the hunt for film cameras and film, both expired and not. I've two of mum's three film cameras (neither work, but I still love them and will name them,) my original 110 Crayola camera, some random pink one I was given as a secret santa ($5 or less....), and until I get a working 35mm of my own, my Grandmum is letting me borrow hers (I've named her Francine.) I've been pretty much searching through the house for film (I've 6 expired rolls, one being in use ATM), and single-use vacation cameras. I've a friend who is willing to let me have a few that she got for free. If I didn't already have a fru-fru pet name for her, I'd give her one now. I just wish I could Pay her back.
Anyway, below is a picture of my current collection of film and cameras (plus you can see the slip from Walmart, I dropped off a roll today, my coin jar, my digital camera case, and my jar of Marmite). Then, on to painting.

So, today after I took Francine for an hour and a half walk outside, I decided to schlepp all of my paints and canvases and boards outside. Lots of spazzing and flicking, messing around and a little bit of trying to make something that doesn't suck. Really, I've no niche, I've no real skill at painting. So, I'm pretty much just messing around and trying to figure out what I'm gonna want to practice over and over, to be good at. Any suggestions are TOTALLY loved. Fo' Sho'.
Oh, and a random blue leaf-ed tree that I painted. Why....? I dunno.

So, now, random spazzing.
My camera is dying. My Zune, Ronaldo, is going as well. I've the worst timing ever. Marching band is coming up, as well as school. I need to get a job. Damn. Okay, I'm done complaining.
In other news that won't make sense to you, but I'd like to get it off my chest. I tried. I'm not sure if it was bad timing on my part, or if my efforts are in vain, and that's to hard to admit.? I'm to impaitient. Grrr, Arggg. Imma go sleep or something? I dunno.

With love,

1 comment:

  1. When you say you tried, I don't supposed I'll get an expanded version?
