Each and every one of them is kick ass. A wonderful example of their kick-assery is the amasian, who is willing to let me have some of her single-use film cameras. There is Taylor, who knows all of my secrets and keeps most of them. Another is my clarinet compadre who I played croquet with last night. Another is the awesomesauce ginger who understands me, and is willing to talk, even at 9:30 at night when I'm in tears. There are more, but I shall stop at one more, the ever brilliant Lily.
It was about 4 last night, when I began to go stir-crazy, as I do every night if I haven't gotten out of the house to walk somewhere or do something. I started messaging those within walking distance, then I realized she was online. In about an hour, we met to photograph, I even had pudding with me, since I've no money for anything until I've a new digital.
Anyway, I ended up with about 250 photos of her. I've an idea of how Harriet (mum's camera) is similar and different than Colin, and I know that I much prefer my man to her lady. Oh, and if I didn't already hate auto focus, I do now.
Anyway, below you get to see the photos that I (like that I) took yesterday. And my drawing for Illustration friday should be done in no time, woohoo. Separate post for that. So, listen to some good music, and have a nice day.With love,
Click Each "X" To See Even More^^
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