Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Art School

Well, more like art in and for school. Let's just say that, while I do pay attention in class, I have a tendancy to doodle. Oh, and there is the stuff I draw specifially because it's graded in one of my art classes. So at the end of the post, you can see the first page in my Advanced Art Class sketchbook, plus some doodle pages.
Oh also, I just made myself Eggs Benedict. It makes me happy, not only because it is delicious, but because I've wanted it for what feels like AAAAGGGGEEESSSS. Plus, it reminds me of Benedick from 'Much Ado About Nothing,' my most favourite of plays. I've no clue which Shakespeare we're to read in Lit this year. All I know about that class is, the teacher doesn't think I talk enough. That isn't great.
Anyway, first my drawings for art class:

And some Doodles.


With Love,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Autumn!!

I am sorry I forgot to tell you guys sooner, I've just been a bit occupied. I remembered today for a few reasons. Mostly, because it happened to be one of those fuzzy-sock wearing, cocoa-drinking, drawing and doodling sort of days. I've wrapped myself in a blanket and just felt cozy, which I adore. And, after I went outside to draw "something from Nature" for my art class, I really needed the cocoa.
I've been plotting sketchbook covers, since my moleskins are thin and plain, so not only will I get to decorate them, but I'll also go through them more rapidly than other sketchbooks.
I feel as though I haven't been terribly productive today. I've spoken to Sam and a Myriad of other wonderful people, and caught up on my blogs. That reminds me, I think you should check out Jessica's blog. She's an artist as well, doing a lot of painting, as well as other wonderful and arty things. She seems to think a lot like I do. Show her some love. Part of me wonders if I haven't posted any practice paintings of people, because I envy her ability to paint skin. Like, until my shadows and highlights are as smooth as hers, I won't feel up to par. Oh well, haha, here I go again, comparison after comparison. :P
Oh, and there is one more thing I did today. I MADE CUPCAKES! Chocolate ones, with this delicious chocolate filling that Jacq gave me the recipe for, and chocolate frosting on top. I enjoy baking, and tomorrow will be the second time I'm bringing cupcakes to school, for my friends, for no reason other then, because I can. Now, to actually finish a drawing for Illustration Friday this week.

With love,

Drawings, Wolverine, Music and an Old, Forgotten Painting

So, I've been spending a lot of time in my room, sitting at my desk, drawing. I'm gonna post some more drawings and sketches toward the end of this post. I've been feeling really odd, and quite spazzy. So, I've been listening to a lot of CD's, different bands. Plus, I got a few new ones. But, I listen mostly to The Hush Sound, Oasis, 3Oh!3, The Wombats, Vampire weekend, Eric hutchinson and Muse. You can see the top CD's on my pile in the picture I took.
Oh, so Sadly, Salazar is becoming much more filled. I'm not sure what's gotten into me, but I've just been drawing up a storm lately. I'm not complaining. Anyway, I've a few sketchbooks for once he's full. And the next ones I've are a plain tan moleskins, so I'll be able to decorate them. You can see them now, before I take stickers, markers, and/or other stuff to them. All packed up nice and neat.

Also, I'm working on a multiblock print in my advanced studies class, of a photo I took myself. It's inspired me to try and make some stamps of my own. No, I'm not carving into erasers.... yes I am. Oh, and I've been having my friends draw me photos on sticky notes, and have pages in Salazar for them. I absoloutly love sticky notes. Yay. Oh, and I've a disposable camera almost all the time. Not only am I documenting my senior year, but If I'm lucky, I've a few neat shots on the camera I'm currently working on.

Ever since I drew Wolverine on a hard boiled egg in July (don't ask,) I've been kinda sorta obsessed with the clawed super-awesome hero. So I now have purchased a multitude of comics, and have spent four dollars and about 10 minutes in the dollar store, feeling through foil packaging. I got stickers, but more importantly, I now own a short little Wolverine Figurine. Best Day Ever.

Sooooooo, now you get to see a bunch of pages from my sketchbook, uploaded to photobucket. You can click on them to see them in a larger view. They are a variety of pen, coloured pencil, Sharpie, watercoloured pencil, and washable marker.


Oh, one more thing. I found a painting I "finished" in August, mostly splattering with a hint of a face behind it. Acrylic paint, I was thinking about doing a few others, as a sort of 'series,' but have since then changed my mind. This was titled "Disquietude." I'm not sure if I'm going to post the actual painting, but I was taking detail shots, and really liked this one. So, I leave you with a shot of splattering and lips. (Click to see it larger)
With Love,

Friday, September 24, 2010

School Spirit

I haven't an ounce of it in my person. How do we know? The misanthropy kicks in the second the freshman pull out the silly string (and I grab some Ad.Staff.). Oh, and pep rallies. I don't like them. You sit on the gym floor with the band, and listen to yelling. And screaming. I felt worst of all, watching a friend of mine in the stands. I wanted to leap over the others in the band, run up the bleachers, and hug her. Sure, she had the Asian, and Steve, but she looked so hurt. She's prone to Migraines, I felt quite helpless, so I can't fathom how much her head must have hurt. Anyway...
The Home comming football game was fine and dandy. I played well in our field show. I wanted to do in a freshman or two by the time I got home, but it was alright. Less suckish than the Pep rally.

So, no art whatsoever. I felt, for once, like just spewing some words about my life and how much I dispise being forced to pretend I've school spirit. I've been doing quite a bit of drawing and sketching, plus I've been having my friends draw me pictures on sticky notes to put in my sketchbook. I may show you those pages. I dunno.

With love,


Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is Dumpy

So, as promised, more drawings/sketches to post. Mostly doodles, but hey, it's better than nothing, right? Anyway, I'm less sick, almost over it, so I can bake soon. Thankfully I'm not to behind in school, so I can make everything up pretty quick (I'm halfway there as it is.). Oh, and I've decided I'm going to start really writing more again. I never realized what went through my head,until it started to clog up.
Oh, and I'm still stressing, have planned my post for the 16th, and am ready to get started on it, this weekend. I had something else to lament over, but I've forgotten it... Oh well. Doodles, ect below.


With love,

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I feel as though my lungs are burning, and my brain is melting, oozing out of my ears and nose. I slept all day, meaning I missed a day of schooling, and it is only the second full week. This means that, not only am I behind, but since I slept all day, my sleeping tonight is doubtful. So, I'll do my government and draw. Maybe I'll start on my stuff for the Halloween bash Vanessa is throwing over at A Fanciful Twist on the 16th. Oh and I feel a collage comming on. Anyway, my head is pounding, and the computer screen isn't helping.

With love,

Monday, September 20, 2010


Am I the only one who finds it funny that I'm not really using this blog the way I planned?.... Maybe I should tell you how I planned to use it first, so you can see what I mean?
I began this blog as, an attempt to get people to look at the things I create, and react to them, see them and want to say something, and just see them and want to offer advice. I've always loved to draw, and hoped blogging would help me take my drawing to the next level. I draw every day, I've filled a sketchbook and a half since I started the blog. And yet, it's full of photos. Go figure. :P
Anyway, I am glad to say that I'm going to start posting more sketchbook pages and drawings. It's difficult finding time to get digital files of the images (shaky camera hand, but jank scanner) but I've been taking multiple shots of my most favorite of my drawings, so, *fingers crossed*, you'll be seeing a lot more. I'll post them below.
But, that being said, I won't stop taking photographs. I'll just try to restrain myself for now. I'm still working on getting the good shots from the 11th together for my Aunt. I want the CD to be perfect, so I'm working on it every day. I leave the memory card in our SD reader, so I actually have to dig out my card reader to do other stuff. While I am a procrastinator, I try to get stuff done.
Oh, and one last thing before I add those drawings. Do any of you know how I can get more people to read my blog, and comment? I feel like a 'sell out,' but I'm to the point where, I'm dying for critique. It's terrible, I know. I repremand myself for it three times a day. Dobby even Ironed his hands...... Sorry, I dunno where that came from.
Anyway, tell me what you think. (Click each to see them larger)

With Love,

Saturday, September 18, 2010


I've had 2 full rolls of film, and a single-use disposable camera developed. I'm currently in the process of scanning the dozen or so photos from the film, that I don't despise. Unfortunatly, my scanner is jank, and I can only get one or two photos scanned, before it give me the finger. So, Below you can see the first three, and I'll link to the film stream of my flickr. I'll mention each time I upload more. Any suggestions, crits, ect would be greatly appreciated. I've no idea what I'm doing.

Click each for the flickr page.
Oh, and the film stream is here, my page being here.

With love,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Just Equ-ine

That was my terrible attempt at wordplay. Get it, Equine and Fine? Yeah, lame. I know. Anyway...
My awesome aunt was in a horse show on the 11th, and asked me to take photos for her. I had quite a lot of fun and got plenty of photographs, of the riders, horses and people watching. Plus, my aunt got a 6th & a 2nd place, and it was her horse's first show!
So, I had a great time, you can see a few of my most favorite shots, and the gallery on my deviantart below.

Click each thumb to see them full sized, and Click Here to see the rest of the photos.

Have a good evening. With love,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So, I'm beggining this in the middle of an art class. Not just any art class, a "get ready for college," sort of art class. I have never felt so insecure and mediocre, then I do with theses people. You should know, that 'These People,' is used as a compliment. They all have artistic skill, and are all nice. I just, sort of fear that, they may eventually realize that I'm in a class I don't belong in. Because I'm nothing like them. I'm not awesome, I've no skill or style. I just wing it. I doubt I can hide that fact very long.

with love,

Monday, September 13, 2010

Maybe It's Not My Weekday, but It's Gonna Be My Year

No matter how hard I try and focus on getting used to school, I still find myself distracted. No worries though, I'm confident that from now on, all the distractions will be semi-productive. Arty Farty, mostly. Pictures and drawing and painting and whatnot. I find it quite excellent to do such things on a daily basis.
So, I'm in two art classes at the moment, and incredibly glad I'm in the one I'm in, last period of the day. It's to get me ready for college, and build my portfolio. It's currently nothing, so this class is pretty much a blessing. I'm going to major in Music education, but I want to double minor in Art & English.
Let us continue on rambling, by mentioning Cameras, and my way to a new digital. Without a job, getting there is taking ages, but I'm hoping to get a job. Plus, I'm going to get a commision tab up on the blog in the very near future. Let's just say, I keep getting tempted by B-E-A-U-tiful 35mm cameras. My restraint is shrinking.
I've plenty of ideas to go off, thanks to people watching. I enjoy sitting down in the supermarket and drawing the passers by. I've been drawing so much in the past week and a half, I didn't realize how much I missed drawing constantly. Yay.
I probably sound quite mental, rambling on in a text form, but I cannot help it. Oh, and can I ask if there is anything you'd want to see from me, anything at all? Maybe I can get an idea from what you like.
Saturday I shot at my Aunt's horse show. I took 1100 photos, and I'm going through them all. Expect a post about that soon. You get to see on of the photos I've already posted below.
OH! And I got a dozen wolverine comics.

With love,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

.:IF:. Dessert

Pen & Sharpie on 5 1/2" by 7 1/2" Paper
(click for larger view)

Yeah, I cannot draw jell-o to save my life, but, still. I like it. Since I started in my new sketchbook, I've been using sharpie up the wazoo, so I figured why not? Yes, that is Jell-o with Broccoli in it. So, yeah. It's self explanitory. Nothin' special.

Also, not IF related, I had a kick ass first day of my senior year. I'm taking band and 2 art classes. And I've a free period to draw during. Let's just say, I'm diggin' high school.
Have a good night.

With love,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Meet Salazar and What I've Been Working On

Soooo, My Sketchbook, Lotus is, sadly, full. But, it is also a joyous occasion. A few days ago, I began working in Salazar. He's this kick ass semi-hard covered book, with slightly green tinted papers, and a Slytherin Crest on the cover. I love him.
So, he is the best sketchbook ever. Sharpie doesn't bleed through his pages, and he takes acrylic paint rather well. I love him, so much. I know, I'm odd talking about an object in such a way. But, remember that I'm easily amused. (Looking at the photo reminds me of a movie I watched the other day. Why did they have to kill all the snakes on the plane?!? They have feelings too.) I'll post a few of the things I've done in him thus far. I'll get more of the sketches up later.

(Click the Thumbnails for Larger View & Details)

Soooooooo, in other news, I start school tomorrow, and am incredibly excited! PLUS, today while at the home improvement store, I picked up an adjustable window screen, so I've two pieces of mesh on frames. They are large enough, so if I'm lucky I can make large sheets of paper. I've always wanted to recycle paper. If all goes well, I'll be making my own sketchbooks in no time. Plus, I could share with my friends :) Also, I've a roll of film to pick up from the store, and another roll and a disposable camera to pick up. So, I'm quite the happy camper right now.
Yay for the beginning of the school year!

With love,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Come Out And Play With Me

So, Monday I spent my day running around a playground and some stores with some of my kick ass friends. Only 3 could hang, but school starts in 2 days, so I will get to see them ALL in no time. I didn't take as many shots as I usually do, but below you can see the photo of the day, and links to the rest of the photos I posted on deviantart.

(Click For Larger View)
And below is the group picture, and then a few fun shots I uploaded to photobucket.
(Click for Larger View)
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

With Love,

Monday, September 6, 2010

In a Solitary Style

Sunday, Taylor was giving herself a dark sort of make-up and I was digging through my closet. We wound up with three outfits for her to wear, and packed them up. Then we trecked to a cemetary by my old school, and began shooting. It was a bit windier and colder than I had thought earlier that day, but she trudged through anyway. After we shot at the cemetary, we stopped for a snack and went back to the school, to play on the playground and in the grass. I'm not done going through them all, but here are the ones that I've posted so far.

Happy Labor Day. Today was pretty awesome, for I hung with some awesome people, and got some great shots. I'll post a blog with them and the 'deets' later.

With Love,

Friday, September 3, 2010

Let's pretend this is a Catchy title, that makes you wanna read this and look at the pictures and drawings

So, today I got to teach an oboe lesson to an awesome 8 year old, who kicks arse, and then my friend Sam and I spent a couple hours outside walking, as I took 300 photos of him. We learned some stuff;
1- Don't sit by a bus stop, even by mistake. Drivers get pissed when they stop for you and you walk away.
2- Football players are afraid of the rain.
3- Always bring change for a payphone.
4- The Parkinglot that includes biglots is now called "The Lot."
Of the 300+ photos I took of him, so far, I like five.
(click for larger view)
[One] [Two] [Three] [Four]

Also, here are some drawings, from lotus and not. Because I can, really. And I finally remembered to take photos of them, since the scanner doesn't work atm. -_-

I'm done uploading to deviantart, and I've caught up on my blog reading. So, gute nacht. Time for bed, little sheep little sheep...... Pffft who am I kidding? I'm gonna draw and light paint :P
With love,