Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Autumn!!

I am sorry I forgot to tell you guys sooner, I've just been a bit occupied. I remembered today for a few reasons. Mostly, because it happened to be one of those fuzzy-sock wearing, cocoa-drinking, drawing and doodling sort of days. I've wrapped myself in a blanket and just felt cozy, which I adore. And, after I went outside to draw "something from Nature" for my art class, I really needed the cocoa.
I've been plotting sketchbook covers, since my moleskins are thin and plain, so not only will I get to decorate them, but I'll also go through them more rapidly than other sketchbooks.
I feel as though I haven't been terribly productive today. I've spoken to Sam and a Myriad of other wonderful people, and caught up on my blogs. That reminds me, I think you should check out Jessica's blog. She's an artist as well, doing a lot of painting, as well as other wonderful and arty things. She seems to think a lot like I do. Show her some love. Part of me wonders if I haven't posted any practice paintings of people, because I envy her ability to paint skin. Like, until my shadows and highlights are as smooth as hers, I won't feel up to par. Oh well, haha, here I go again, comparison after comparison. :P
Oh, and there is one more thing I did today. I MADE CUPCAKES! Chocolate ones, with this delicious chocolate filling that Jacq gave me the recipe for, and chocolate frosting on top. I enjoy baking, and tomorrow will be the second time I'm bringing cupcakes to school, for my friends, for no reason other then, because I can. Now, to actually finish a drawing for Illustration Friday this week.

With love,

1 comment:

  1. Cozy...this may be my favorite word in the English language. Wishing you continued coziness!
