Monday, October 25, 2010


The title is pretty much irrelevant. This is what many would call a sketch dump. The title comes from a Song that's been stuck in my head a few days, Merrymaking At My Place, by Calvin Harris. Really, I need to stop talking to Tiffy, her good taste in music is trying to kill my camera fund (for I go buy CD's).
My two art classes are going well. I'm getting ready to work on a subtractive sculpture (which I cannot wait for.) It's this intricate snail and will be difficult to make out of plaster, with this hollow web-looking sort of shell. But, my teacher has no faith in me, so naturally, I have to do it.
I'm enjoying my other class as well. Now that I've [almost totally] stopped worrying about [not] being as talented as all my classmates, it works out better, and I'm less stressed. I get to spend up to 3 periods a day (120+ minutes) drawing. What is better than that? Exactly.
NaNoWriMo starts on Monday! I'm SO excited. I'd point you to the writing blog, but it's been quite odd recently. "Poetry," Rhymey-Schmymey stuff and all that feely-dealy. Just ignore it. I'll let you know when it becomes relevant again.
Now, for the pages in my sketchbook. Click each to view it larger.


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