Sunday, October 10, 2010


Yes, the title is relevant, just give it time. First, I would like to do a teensie bit of rambling. I'm in a happy, ramble-y sort of mood. Not only am I happy, but it's almost 1am, and I've hit my second bounce-off-the-walls wind. Such Magnificent moods must be utilized, so I'll be running upstairs or laying on the floor to draw once this is posted. I may be right, I may not be. Either way, I feel happy, and have even before I started putting puzzle pieces together, sort of. I'm going to loath myself for it tomorrow, but I'm quite happy, and cannot help it.
I bet my acceptance of stuff, and decision to change, re-arrange and prioritize helps too. I've even spent a few hours cleaning my room, getting to know my instruments a bit more again, and tossing a lot of junk that was cluttering my space. Now the lair is great for productivity.
OH! My mum is totally willing to drive me to see one of my cousins tomorrow, which totally makes my day. It means more ears to draw for my art class, and a kick-arse sleep over with one of my best friends. Plus, we're dyin' some stuff, which should be loads of fun. Anyway,
It's sad to say my sketchbook Salazar's pages are now littered with ink, graphite and paint. So, I've begun a new sketchbook, which you'll see at the end of this. But, before you see that, the last 2 pages (that I enjoy) from Salazar. The first is a braided lady, and the second is me messing around with pencil and watercolours during Sculpture class, (once I finished.) You can click each to see them larger.
Now, Stripes:

Have a Nice Night/Morning/Day,

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