Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cold & Contemplative

It's been a morning of introspection in my world, so really if you're here for art, I've posted an older photo at the end of the post, that's about it. It's just one of those mornings. One of those freezing sort of mornings.
Not that it is actually morning. No, such has passed and tis now the afternoon. I spent my night nerding it up, and then partaking in a dance for band geeks. It's only taken four years and over a dozen of different friends to find the right ones, for me to jump around the middle of the gym like a fool, singing Ke$ha and bothering the freshman in my section. I locked up my sketchbook and only did a little people watching, compared to the amount in which I usually partake. I must say, one of the greatest 'social functions' (if you would call it that,) that I've ever been to. I danced quite a bit, once they played Ke$ha, and ran around with Torie and Erika, who make me happy. Plus, I've wonderful aim with skittles. Really the only downside is my over-analyzing things people do & say in relation to and directly to me. Ra-Ra-Ra ah ah.
Oh, and I realized that it's not that I'm antisocial, I'm just quiet in large groups of strange people. I found myself watching a friend of mine (at least, I'd consider her a friend) start talking to a group of guys from another school. She had them engrossed in this conversation, hanging on her words, as she was the words they spoke. The group dynamic changed when the guys had female classmates show up, but not much. That led to me observing other groups. So yes, I am that girl around the perimeter, watching everyone with an oddly entertained look on her face.
Oh, and I forgot how stupid feelings can make one feel. They can cause you to forgive some people sooner than you do others. Oh, and when you wonder the feelings and motivations of others, you can drive yourself insane. It's quite terrible, really. I sometimes want to be upgraded, like a Cyberman. It would make my life easier.
Another thing I cannot do, would be find a happy medium. You may have noticed, that some times I do nothing but take photographs, recently I've done nothing but draw, and over the summer I had a bout of painting. I really need to find a way to constantly draw, write, photograph and play music. Doing one for a few weeks and then another the next few weeks, it doesn't suit me.
I must tell you all of NanoWriMo Before I go. is the URL. Do it.

With Love,

PS. I love snails
(Click for Larger View)

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