Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tonights Gonna Be A Good Night?.... I'd Rather it be Productive

Basically, I'm taking all of my paints, canvases and works in progress up to my room with me tonight.
I am going to shower, fill a bazillion cups with water and grab some towels.
Then, I'm going to go ape-shite all over my room.
I've a project due tomorrow, or well, Friday morning. It's a painting, that I will finish on time. I have to.
Then I've a christmas project to finish, and a bunch of other ideas. That's just the acrylic stuff.
Then you've the watercolour works, and pencil work, and coloured pencil, and pastel and charcoal.
Yeah, I'm planning on getting little to no sleep tonight.
I'm okay with that.


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