Thursday, December 30, 2010

Can You Say Watercolour?

I've had tubes of them for quite a while. I've dabbled with them. But, then I spent more time online, saw what they could do, and decided to dive in. I'm no where near as magnificent as this lady over here is, but hey. My first attempt, I don't think it's too terrible. It was just a quick thing for my friend Cory over at deviantart, but still. Tell me what you think, and more importantly, how to suck less :P
In Progress
Final (Click for Full Size & Info)


  1. Awwww I am flattered :3

    Also, your shading is immaculate, very nice work.

  2. Not as good as others, you say. Meh, I say. Others do it often. They get boring. Fantastic, I say.
