[I got home and felt the need to re-life the memories. And, It's funny, going back and reading all your old blog posts. You see things you remember, and things you don't. And, you realize in the moment, you only see what you want to see. You think someone is working for your best interest, when such actions were nothing compared to their actions, minimizing you and trying to leave you behind.
Oh, and then there is the pain, reading about a past best friend. You loved them like the sister you never had, and you feel lonely again, wishing to go back in time a year. To where you had someone coming over, and someone to bounce ideas off of. But, then you remember the hard times. When they tried to take credit for your ideas, when they used you and ignored your feelings. They made you miserable and didn't bat an eyelash. Self-absorbed people should wear nametags, so I don't keep making friends with them.]
So, I've spent some time going through the photos, posting them to deviantart and redgage. As always, I would love you forever if you'd click the thumbnails and take a full-sized look.
Now, I may go watch the superbowl.... or watercolour.
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