Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mary Poppins was Wrong.

A spoonfull of sugar doesn't make the medicine go down. It just makes it hurt more the second time.
I understand you're all worried, because I'm ill. Some think I've mono on the way, others strep and others think I've caught my father's pneumonia (we don't share, so it's not that.) , so all in all, I feel terrible. I've done some doodling, including sketches of our cats, plus doodling in school. I've very little to post today, but hey, at least I don't have any terribly infectious disease!
Oh, If anyone has a deviantart account, and would donate a few points to my account, CreepLikesToDraw I would love you forever. I'm 55 away from a 3 month premium.

So, now you get to see the few things I've uploaded. Let's fake being excited. (click to see on deviantart)

Woo I feel great terrible,

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