Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mary Poppins was Wrong.

A spoonfull of sugar doesn't make the medicine go down. It just makes it hurt more the second time.
I understand you're all worried, because I'm ill. Some think I've mono on the way, others strep and others think I've caught my father's pneumonia (we don't share, so it's not that.) , so all in all, I feel terrible. I've done some doodling, including sketches of our cats, plus doodling in school. I've very little to post today, but hey, at least I don't have any terribly infectious disease!
Oh, If anyone has a deviantart account, and would donate a few points to my account, CreepLikesToDraw I would love you forever. I'm 55 away from a 3 month premium.

So, now you get to see the few things I've uploaded. Let's fake being excited. (click to see on deviantart)

Woo I feel great terrible,

Friday, January 14, 2011

We'll make it through another working day.

I need a holiday. The Days drag and I'm loosing my mind. But, at least I've been semi-productive.
Yeah, Scary, I know. I've finished sending stuff to the college I'd like to attend, emailed about double majoring, gotten government service hours (a graduating requirement) handed in. Plus, I've been slightly arty-farty. PLUS, I slept more last night than I have in weeks. That makes me happy.
Anyway. You get to see some of my arty-endeavors since last post. Such includes another portrait via a stock image, a doodle done with my tablet (as is the new banner,) and some other random doodles you may or may not like. As always, click to see them larger, the first ones being on deviantart.

Oh, and the last one scares me a bit. I'm not sure why I ended up drawing something like this, and was bored so I attacked it with watercolour. I dunno. I don't happen to be in love, and it's highly doubtful someone thinks they are in love with me. Pick your favorite fictitious couple, it is he and her.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Not Cedric, Frederick

I've done quite well, following my new year's resolutions. It probably won't last long, but hey. I gave it a go.
Anyway, below you get to meet my new sketchbook, Frederick. My Friend, Meg, named him. He's one of the 2 that I got for Christmas. A spiral bound black hardcover landscape sketchbook, that I usually draw in vertically. I gave him a bit of personality. Plus, you can see a couple of the pages in him. (I told you, lots of males.) Click the images for a larger view^^.
Another view of Frederick


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Get All The Guys, I Get All The Guys

Okay, not really. I just have "The Girls" by Calvin Harris stuck in my head. BUT, said odd title is actually relevant with this post. What. Now.
All I seem to be drawing right now is males. I take that as a good thing. Everyone draws girls, but never guys. They can be just as beautiful as women, hard and strong versus soft and curvy. So, my guess is my next dump will have a lot of testosterone in it. Hell, I already sketched out 1 1/2 guys today (thanks to some lovely stock images.) The first one's below, and you can click it for a better view, details and a link to the reference photo.

Also, I finished my last recycled paper sketchbook for now. I've started a black landscape spiral one, but still draw vertiacally most of the time. So, I've to keep my eyes peeled for some more green paper. Other great news, Dad may come home from the hospital tomorrow (well, today. It's 1am.) Woo productive inability to sleep!
