Monday, July 15, 2013

I'm In a Rut

I'm prone to this feeling of sort of being stuck. It's like I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life, and it frightens me. I start to feel really terrible, about what I like to do, and realize (for the billionth time) that I have no one talent, but instead am 'okay' at lots of things. I'm afraid or unable to specialize in one thing and it stresses me out more and I just spiral downward. The only things I produce are negative, if I can do anything at all. I try to force myself, but it's hard and I can't always push through. I really do put forth as much energy as I can, but by then I'm back down in my little hole, nesting away and trying not to cry.

Sorry to be such a downer. And unable to ever follow through. I swear one day I will be who I want to be and fight through everything that gets me down. A happier post next, I promise.


Monday, July 8, 2013

A Year Older, But None The Wiser

So yesterday, the 7th, was my 20th birthday. As birthdays go, it wasn't much to write home about, but I had a lovely day regardless of the number. My parents I went to see 'Despicable Me 2,' ate at Moe's and then stopped for ice cream. It was nice to just hang around them, especially since I spend most of my time working or sleeping. The amount of facebook text notifications I received while we were out. More than 37 people used technology to wish me well on my day. That is insane! Technology has changed so much, I remember when we used to call our friends on their birthdays.
Even though I'm now 20 my mum still says I'm 7 years old. Such is apparent by some of the gifts she gave me like macaroni & cheese shaped like goldfish, a wolverine blanket & toothbrush, popsicle molds, and a trip to the zoo. I'm okay with 7 though, I'm still easily amused or distracted. Plus I have a crazy love for bubbles and crayons.
I'm gonna try to post more than once a week. I spent almost all of last week out of town visiting my main squeeze, hence nothing since Monday. Pinky swear I'll post again before Friday.
